5 Ways You May Be Hurting Your Feet

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At Goldsmith Podiatry, we always encourage our Manhattan patients to be proactive in the health of their feet. We sometimes find, however, people may not realize how many actions they take may seem completely disconnected from the feet but can have a significant impact on their podiatric health.

Below are five mistakes that can harm your feet:

1.       Always keeping your toenails polished. Certain toenail disorders will not be visible if your toes regularly have nail polish. Fungal infections, for example, often begin with discoloration or white spots on the nails. Skin cancers and dangerous melanomas may also first manifest as a dark spot beneath the nail. Take polish breaks periodically and examine your nails for any abnormalities.

2.       Borrowing someone else’s shoes. Fungal infections thrive in the dark, moist insides of shoes and spread by direct contact, and you may contact one if you wear someone else’s shoes. The same goes for sharing nail clippers, towels, footbaths, or any other items that come in contact with other people’s feet.

3.       Not drinking enough milk. There are 52 bones in your feet—as a matter of fact, your feet contain one-quarter of all the bones in your body. Skimping on milk and other dairy products may lead to inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake, which can lead to the weakening of your bones. Your feet are particularly susceptible since they carry the most weight of any bones in your body.

4.       Wearing shoes that hurt. While this may seem obvious, patients often grin and bear it for fashionable high heels, boots, and other styles that are less than comfortable. What’s important to realize is that foot pain isn’t just a nuisance; it can lead to severe problems like bunions, hammertoes, and plantar fasciitis that will require treatment and possibly even surgery down the road.

5.       Skipping your annual physical. Many systemic health problems like diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis can all seriously impact the function of your feet. Stay current with your medical checkups and follow doctor’s instructions for preventing and treating health issues in their earliest stages.

If you’re experiencing foot or ankle discomfort and can’t figure out why please contact our Upper West Side office by calling (212) 877-1002. Our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith and Dr. Rosanna Troia will help you trace the source of your podiatric problem and prescribe the correct solution.