Don’t “Fall” for These Myths

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Every year one in four adults age 65 and older suffers a fall. At Goldsmith Podiatry, we know these falls can be life-changing, causing broken hips, traumatic brain injuries, and even death. A fall can also be the impetus for a move to a nursing home or a stay at a rehabilitation center. Too often, these devastating consequences occur because a senior is operating under a faulty belief about falls. We want our Manhattan seniors to know the facts about falls and how to prevent them.

Below are some common myths we’d like to help dispel:

MYTH: Falling is just something to be expected as you get older.

FACT: Falling is not “normal” for older people, and it’s not inevitable. Many factors within your control can decrease your fall risk. These include your lifestyle habits, overall health, and home environment.

MYTH: If I stay home and don’t go out, I can prevent falls.

FACT: Actually, over half all falls happen in the home. That’s why it’s essential you make improvements that can eliminate safety hazards. Eliminating clutter on the floor, installing grab bars in the bathroom, adding a second handrail on stairs, a coat of non-slip paint on outdoor steps, and increasing lighting can all decrease your risk of falling.

MYTH: Medical conditions not related to my legs and feet do not affect my chances of falling.

FACT: There are several aspects of your overall health that can lead to a fall. Stay current with eye exams to detect decreases in vision. Check your medication list with the pharmacist to be sure there are no possible interactions that could cause dizziness and fainting. Keep diabetes, blood pressure, and other medical conditions under control by following your doctor’s treatment instructions.

MYTH: If I wait a while, my foot pain might go away.

FACT: Foot pain is a significant cause of falls. Don’t delay in getting it evaluated. Contact our Upper West Side office by calling (212) 877-1002 and make an appointment with our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith and Dr. Rosanna Troia as soon as possible.