Sidelined by Heel Pain: Athletic Aches and Plantar Fasciitis

Any podiatrist will tell you that sports are a great way to stay active and energized. However, for many athletes, the thrill of strenuous activity can be overshadowed by a common yet persistent form of pain: Plantar fasciitis.

This inflammatory condition, affecting the band of tissue that supports your arch, can leave your heel throbbing and your performance hobbled. Goldsmith Podiatry wants you fit and fresh, so to help you stay that way, we’ve put together a blog post on the ins and outs of plantar fasciitis and how they relate to sports overall. Let’s kick things off!

Sports and Plantar Fasciitis

Athletes are particularly susceptible to plantar fasciitis due to the repetitive stress placed on their feet.

  • High-impact activities like running, jumping, and quick changes in direction put significant strain on the plantar fascia.

  • Shoes that lack adequate support or cushioning can exacerbate problems.

  • Tightened calf muscles pull on the plantar fascia, increasing tension and inflammation.

  • Sudden increases in training intensity can overwhelm your body's ability to adapt.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Running Towards Recovery

Tackling plantar fasciitis doesn't mean abandoning your love for sports. Treatments include:

  • Reducing high-impact activities and switching to low-impact alternatives like swimming or cycling to allow for healing.

  • Stretching tight calf muscles and strengthening the plantar fascia itself to improve flexibility and support.

  • Custom-made orthotics to provide arch support and distribute pressure more evenly.

  • Physical therapy utilizes a personalized program to address your specific needs and help you return to your sport of choice safely.

Don’t get sidelined by typical foot and ankle issues. At Goldsmith Podiatry, Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia, and Dr. Kristina T. Ruff bring top-tier experience, cutting-edge technology, and compassionate care to all our Upper West Side patients. If you’re struggling with plantar fasciitis, call (212) 877 1002 to schedule an appointment. You can also contact us online!