Step Up Your Game: Conquer Sports Injuries with Custom Orthotics

For athletes, pushing limits is part of the thrill. But when those limits push back in the form of injuries, sports dreams tend to get sidelined. Goldsmith Podiatry sees many patients who love testing their endurance through athletics yet hate the podiatric cost of doing so. What are these mobile, energetic Manhattan marathoners to do if they want to prevent problems?

Custom orthotics can step into the wellness gap. Crafted to the unique contours of your feet, these sole-supporting devices address the biomechanical imbalances that contribute to sports injuries.

Anything is possible with the right equipment, the right attitude, and the right support, and we want to help you find the perfect fit. That’s why this blog post is all about exploring how custom orthotics tackle three common athletic ailments. Let’s get a move on!

1.      Plantar Fasciitis:

2.      Shin Splints:

  • Medial tibial stress syndromes are no laughing matter for runners and jumpers.

  • Orthotics with medial heel wedges and pronation control help distribute weight evenly across the foot, reducing stress on the shinbone and preventing those nasty shin splints.

3.      Ankle Sprains:

  • A twisted ankle can derail any game plan, taking you off your feet and out of the race.

  • Custom orthotics with proprioceptive feedback and ankle stabilization help improve balance and prevent excessive inward rolling of the foot, a major culprit in sprains.

Beyond the Big Three

The benefits of custom orthotics extend far beyond these common injuries! In addition to the perks we mentioned previously, custom orthotics can…

  • Improve overall alignment.

  • Boost athletic performance.

  • Alleviate pain caused by conditions like arthritis and diabetes.

Ready to step up your game? Contact the expert team at Goldsmith Podiatry! We will assess your gait, foot mechanics, and specific needs to design orthotics that are as unique as your feet. Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia, and Dr. Kristina T. Ruff bring top-tier experience, cutting-edge technology, and compassionate care to all our Upper West Side patients. Call (212) 877 1002 to schedule an appointment. You can also contact us online!