4 Steps to Prepare Your Child for Fall Sports

At Goldsmith Podiatry, we see a surge of sports injuries in September in our younger Manhattan patients that coincides with the start of the fall sports season. Some common ones include shin splints, Achilles tears, ruptures or tendonitis, ankle sprains, and heel pain. Many of these injuries can be avoided with proper conditioning and some advanced preparation.

Below are four steps parents can take now to help ensure a safe, injury-free fall sports season:

Visit the podiatrist

If your child has suffered a foot injury in a previous season or through an accident, it’s important to have a podiatric checkup and evaluate the current condition of your child’s foot. Make an appointment at our Upper West Side office by calling 212-877-1002. Our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia, and Dr. Kristina Ruff, will examine your child’s feet to see that it is completely healed and that no new issues are present. The foot doctor may also make specific recommendations regarding footwear or practice activities to protect the foot.

Increase physical activity

The first day of football practice is a terrible time to discover that sitting on the couch with a phone, computer, television, or video controller for the summer wasn’t the best idea for your teen. If your young athlete has been somewhat sedentary, use the remaining summer months to get them moving. Plan active family fun such as hikes, bike trips, rock climbing, swimming or paddleboarding. Have your child invite friends on active adventures and make physical activity fun! Making active play a consistent part of your child’s day will go a long way to increasing their fitness level and endurance.

Get in your sports groove

If you have a sports enthusiast, use that motivation to help them prepare for their best sports season. Talk to a coach or research sport-specific exercises to build the muscles they need for peak performance. Suggest your child learn what professional athletes do to condition. Encourage an overall healthy lifestyle approach with proper nutrition, adequate sleep, and exercise and stress; this will correlate to better sports performance in the fall.

Check your gear

Wearing footwear specifically designed for the sport your child is doing and fits properly is one of the best ways to prevent injuries. If new athletic shoes are needed, shop at a sports shoe store. Get your child’s foot professionally measured, and make sure the shoes they choose are comfortable before you leave the store.