Do Your Feet a Favor this Season

It's beginning to look a lot like the crazy holiday season here in Manhattan, and we at Goldsmith Podiatry want to help our patients keep their feet healthy and happy during this busy, festive time of the year. The winter weather, increased activity, and all those parties may leave your feet feeling a little neglected.

Below are some tips for helping your feet sail through the holiday season and into the New Year in tip-top condition:

Take Care of Your Foot Skin—everywhere you go, from the subway or car to the post office and stores, the heat is blasting. This can lead to excessively sweaty feet or, conversely, dry skin. Both are bad! Don't allow feet to sit in damp socks and shoes, as this can lead to fungal infections. Keep an extra pair of socks handy and change as needed. If you notice that your skin appears flaky and dry or feels itchy, take the time to apply a rich, emollient moisturizer to your feet each night. Cover with socks for extra absorption.

Strategize to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain—adding pounds in December means more strain and a greater risk of foot problems in January. Maintain healthy eating habits as much as possible. Drink plenty of water to help you feel full. Enjoy your holiday favorites, but compensate by reducing carbs and calories at other meals. Don’t position yourself next to the buffet table at holiday gatherings.

Wear Comfortable Shoes—with all the extra running around you have to do, your feet will greatly appreciate it if you stick with shoes that fit your feet properly, have cushioned insoles, and have good arch support. Wear party shoes sparingly and always wear boots with no-slip treads in bad weather.

Don’t Slack on Your Fitness Routine—it’s easy to give up your exercise routine during this busy season, but don’t. Not only will it help you avoid weight gain, it will reduce stress and improve circulation. Enjoy winter sports safely and injury-free by making sure skates and ski boots fit properly before getting on the ice or slopes.

Get Foot Pain Evaluated Promptly—if a chronic foot problem flares up or you develop new, unexplained foot or ankle pain, it's tempting to put off making an appointment with our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia and Dr. Kristina Ruff, until after the holidays. Doing so, however, may lead to a worsening of your condition or even a secondary injury.

Contact our Upper West Side office by calling 212-877-1002. We'll get you in and treat you promptly so that you can get back to making the most of your holiday season!