Avoid Slip Sliding Away this Winter

At Goldsmith Podiatry, we've seen the temperatures in Manhattan begin to flirt with freezing, and that means it's time for a few reminders for our patients about preventing ankle sprains and falls this season. Now’s the time to prepare not to take a spill—not when you find yourself in the middle of an icy sidewalk or parking lot!

Below are a few tips to prevent slips:

  • It’s all about the footwear—it goes without saying that spiky heels and dress shoes that are perfectly smooth on the bottom are no match for slippery conditions. Check the condition of your winter boots and replace them if they are worn out. Look for a gripping tread and support for your ankles if you’ve had sprains in the past. For festive affairs, bring your fancy shoes and change when you arrive.

  • Kitty litter to the rescue—place a few spoonfuls of cat litter or sand in a small, sealable baggy and keep it in the pocket of your winter coat. If icy conditions arise suddenly, you can sprinkle the litter or sand in front of you to get across a small, slippery area.

  • Make more trips—there's lots of shopping going on during the holiday season, but it's a mistake to carry too many packages at one time. This can obscure the path in front of you and cause you to miss a curb or an icy spot in front of you and fall.

  • Plot your course—if you have to be out during a storm or soon after, take a moment to visually map out a route to where you are going that appears to be the most cleared and salted. It may not be the shortest distance, but it's likely to be the safest.

  • Treat ankle twisting injuries promptly—if you slip or fall and twist your ankle,  pay attention to signs of a sprain: swelling, bruising, and pain. Rest your foot and follow the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) protocol until you can make an appointment at our Upper West Side office by calling 212-877-1002 and get it evaluated by one of our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia and Dr. Kristina Ruff.