Swollen Feet? Don't Ignore the Clues! 3 Common Causes and a Cutting-Edge Treatment

Puffy, uncomfortable feet can slow you down and leave you feeling like you're wading through molasses. While occasional swelling might be nothing to worry about, persistent or recurrent puffiness could be a sign of an underlying condition.

Goldsmith Podiatry cares about your foot and ankle health, so to help clarify some common causes of swollen feet, we'll explore three reasons for their occurrence. Then, we’ll follow up by introducing a powerful, modern treatment option: Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy.

1—Venous Insufficiency

When blood struggles to flow back up from your legs to your heart, it can pool in your feet and ankles, causing swelling. This is especially common in individuals who stand or sit for long periods, are overweight, or are pregnant.

2—Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

This condition arises when plaque starts to build up along the walls of your arteries, which leads to them narrowing and becoming hardened. From there, circulatory issues will both increase your risk of sustaining an infection and decrease your ability to fight one off. Your lower extremities could swell up, too.


Different types of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, can inflame the joints in your feet and ankles, leading to swelling, pain, and stiffness.

While lifestyle changes can sometimes manage swelling, persistent or severe cases might require medical intervention. This is where Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy emerges as a promising and increasingly popular option.

PRP Therapy: Swell Treatment for Swollen Feet

PRP therapy involves extracting a small amount of your blood, concentrating the platelets rich in growth factors, and then injecting them back into the swollen area. These platelets act as natural healers, stimulating tissue repair, reducing inflammation, and promoting blood flow.

Benefits of PRP for Swollen Feet:

  • Non-surgical and minimally invasive: No scalpels or lengthy recovery times.

  • Targeted treatment: Delivers growth factors directly to the source of the swelling.

  • Promotes natural healing: Stimulates your body's own repair mechanisms.

  • Long-lasting effect: Relief can last for months or even years.

Are you worried about one of the conditions above or unsure if something else might be causing your feet to swell? Contact our Upper West Side office at 212-877-1002 for an appointment as soon as possible, and we’ll schedule a full assessment and treatment right away.