Do's and Don’ts for Foot Swelling from Diabetes

People with diabetes have special concerns about foot health. At Goldsmith Podiatry, we want to help our Manhattan patients who have diabetes to take the best care possible of their feet. One issue of this disease is swelling or edema in the feet and ankles. Poor blood sugar control can result in fluid retention in your body, and your feet and ankles are the most susceptible because gravity causes excess fluid to pool in the lowest parts of your body.

Here are some do’s and don’ts for dealing with and preventing edema related to diabetes:

Do: Consult our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia, and Dr. Kristina Ruff, if you notice swelling in your feet or ankles. The foot doctor will examine your feet and may perform tests to determine the source of the swelling. Sometimes an undetected injury or infection may also be the source of the swelling. If so, the podiatrist will prescribe the correct treatment for your condition.

Do: Rest and elevate your feet if they are swollen. Elevating should help reduce swelling. Sit with your feet raised above the level of your heart. Another option is to lie on the floor with your legs and feet up against a wall for 5 to 10 minutes.

Don’t: Wear tight shoes, socks, or support hoses. These will further reduce blood flow and increase edema.

Do: Reduce your sodium intake. Avoid adding salt to your food. Look for low or no-salt versions of canned vegetables, tomato sauce, and other foods you enjoy. Try garlic, rosemary, oregano, or other spices to add flavor if you think it tastes bland.

Don’t: Forget to drink plenty of water. Drinking more water when your feet are swollen may seem counterintuitive, but doing so will help flush excess fluid out of your body.

Do: Exercise regularly. Being physically active improves circulation. It will also help you control blood sugar and maintain an appropriate weight.

Do: Change positions frequently. Getting up and moving at least once an hour can help reduce the risk of swelling. Sitting or standing for long periods impedes circulation.

If you have concerns about diabetes and how it’s affecting your feet, don’t hesitate to contact our Upper West Side office by calling Goldsmith Podiatry at 212-877-1002 and making an appointment.