Prep Your Feet for Holiday Shopping Marathon

It’s time for peace, joy, and—holiday shopping! At Goldsmith Podiatry, we know many of our Manhattan patients have already started with Black Friday on the race to get all the gifts for everyone on their list. If your fingers aren’t doing all the work shopping online, then chances are your feet are going to get an extra workout! Below are five tips to help them take you through the holiday season pain-free.

1. Start with the right shoes. When it comes to prolonged standing and walking, nothing is a better predictor of how your feet will feel than the footwear you choose. Now is not the right time to break in a new pair of shoes. Use your most supportive and comfortable walking or athletic shoes to take you through your shopping days. A gripping tread will be helpful if the weather turns slippery.

2. Bring a spare pair of socks. Stores, subways, and restaurants are notoriously overheated in the winter. Combine that with all the extra activity, and you may end up with sweaty feet. Feet that stay damp for an extended period are at increased risk for fungal infections like athlete’s foot and toenail fungus. Change when you notice your feet feel moist and sweaty. If your feet tend to sweat excessively, consider a foot powder or roll-on antiperspirant before putting on your socks in the morning.

3. Don’t forget your water bottle. Staying hydrated will help flush excess fluid out of your body. It will reduce painful swelling in your feet.

4. Take breaks! Plan to sit down every couple of hours when you’re out shopping. If you can put your feet up, that’s even better, but just getting off them for 10-15 minutes will give them a chance to rest and reduce the likelihood of foot pain.

5. Listen when your feet tell you they hurt. Don’t try to push through one more store or another holiday event. Make an appointment at our Upper West Side office by calling 212-877-1002 and letting our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia, and Dr. Kristina Ruff examine your feet to find the source of your podiatric discomfort. Taking a little time out of your hectic schedule now will ensure you enjoy the rest of the best the season has to offer.

Happy bargain hunting!