Give Thanks for Your Feet!


At Goldsmith Podiatry, we know Thanksgiving is fast approaching.  While your celebration may look somewhat different this year, one thing remains the same: it’s a time for expressing gratitude for the many good things in our lives. We hope all our Manhattan patients will have their feet near the top of the list! While we often take them for granted, our feet are pretty amazing. Consider the following:

  • Each of your feet contains 26 bones (that’s nearly a quarter of all the bones in your body), 33 joints, 107 ligaments, and 19 muscles and tendons.

  • Your feet will enable you to walk approximately 115,000 miles throughout your lifetime—that’s more than four times around the earth!

  • There are 250,000 sweat glands in your feet, which produce as much as half a pint of moisture a day.

  • The soles of your feet have more nerve endings per square centimeter than any other part of your body.

In addition, your feet often serve as an early warning system for the rest of your body. Did you know that many medical conditions, including diabetes, arthritis, nerve problems, and poor circulation, show signs initially in your feet? It’s true, and that’s why it’s important to pay attention to changes in your feet. If you notice anything concerning such as bruising, growths, cuts that don’t heal, rashes, or discoloration of the skin, it’s important you report it to our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith and Dr. Rosanna Troia as soon as possible.

Show Your Gratitude

There are other ways to show your thanks to your feet as well:

  • Wear shoes that fit properly. Get your feet professionally measured. Shoe size can change as you age. Take the time to try on both shoes and make sure they are comfortable before making a purchase.

  • Develop a good foot care regimen. A few simple steps will go a long way to keeping your feet healthy. Wash your feet every day and dry completely before putting on socks and shoes. Use a foot powder or anti-perspirant on your feet if they tend to sweat excessively. Apply a rich, emollient moisturizer to your feet every night, and cover feet with a pair of cotton socks to absorb excess lotion.

  • Maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly—it will keep your feet in shape too!

Don’t ignore foot pain. If you have any problems with your feet, contact our Upper West Side NYC office for an appointment by calling: (212) 877-1002.