Why Is My Foot Tingling?

We all know the pins and needles feeling you get when your foot falls asleep, but what about when this sensation starts happening frequently? At Goldsmith Podiatry, we know there are several possible causes for tingling or burning sensation in one or both feet, and we want our Manhattan patients informed and proactive in getting any new podiatric symptoms evaluated. Tingling sensations are often related to nerve problems. Below are three common ones:

Peripheral Neuropathy

Neuropathy is another way of saying nerve damage. One of the most prevalent causes of nerve damage to your feet is diabetes. In addition to tingling, patients with neuropathy may experience numbness or loss of sensation or pain: our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia, and Dr. Kristina Ruff can perform a simple skin biopsy that will show the concentration of small nerve fibers in your lower extremity and help us diagnose neuropathy.

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

The tarsal tunnel is a tube-like structure on the inside of your ankle surrounded by a thick ligament. The posterior tibial nerve is contained in the tarsal tunnel. If this nerve gets compressed, tarsal tunnel syndrome occurs, producing a tingling, burning, and pain. Compression can be due to an injury, chronic diseases such as arthritis that may cause swelling, the shape or structure of your foot, or a foreign body in the tunnel such as a ganglion cyst or a varicose vein.


When a nerve in your foot becomes enlarged or thickens, it is called a neuroma. Causes of neuromas include structural defects in the feet, accidents or trauma involving the foot, or wearing shoes that fit poorly. Frequently wearing shoes with narrow toe boxes or high heels that put pressure on the toes can also be a contributing cause. Neuromas can also develop if you participate in a sport that involves repetitive pounding to the ball of the foot, such as running, racquetball, or squash.

Treatment for Nerve Issues

There is a wide range of treatment options for nerve-related disorders. They generally aim at relieving uncomfortable symptoms and correcting the problem if possible. As with nearly all podiatric issues, the early treatment begins the less invasive and more successful it’s likely to be. If you have been experiencing tingling or other unusual sensations in your feet, contact our Upper West Side office by calling 212-877-1002 to make an appointment today.