Healthy Heart, Healthy Feet

As we enter the third year of COVID, scientific data is revealing that deaths from heart disease and stroke have risen significantly since the start of the pandemic. At Goldsmith Podiatry, we want to recognize American Heart Month by helping our Manhattan patients deal with some underlying causes of heart problems. After all, the health of your heart impacts the health of your feet and vice versa.

Tackling High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is the leading cause of heart disease and stroke, but it’s also the most controllable risk factor. It’s estimated that nearly half of all American adults have high blood pressure, but of those 75%, either don’t know they have it or aren’t getting it under control. Start by getting your blood pressure checked at least once a year, and if the numbers are high, discuss options with your doctor for bringing them down.

Make Heart-Healthy Choices

The COVID pandemic shutdowns interrupted a lot of people’s lives and evidence now shows it led to the adoption of many unhealthy habits such as binge eating, skipping exercise, and becoming more sedentary, drinking more, and using tobacco products. As restrictions ease and the virus numbers continue to improve, now is the perfect time to reverse those trends and put some heart healthy actions front and center. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Get back to being more active. There are a number of ways to do this: explore a new exercise class, start walking at lunch or after work with a friend, or join a bike or hiking club. Not ready to commit to a regimented program? Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk while you talk on the phone, get off the bus a stop or two early. If you notice foot pain as you increase activity, make an appointment at our Upper West Side office at 212-877-1002 and get it evaluated by our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia, and Dr. Kristina Ruff.

  • ·Add extra fruits and vegetables to your menus. Strive to add produce to every meal. Put broccoli in your eggs, add orange sections at lunch and have a salad and a vegetable with dinner. These foods will deliver nutrients and antioxidants to your body and they’re filling—you’ll eat less overall by eating more of them!

Take time to de-stress. Reconnect with friends and family that you may have been seeing less of. Start or end your day with prayer, meditation, journaling, or another activity that helps you be mindful and let go of negative thoughts.