Don’t Let Pride Go Before a Fall

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During September, we at Goldsmith Podiatry recognize Falls Prevention Awareness Week. It is an important area to focus on for our older Manhattan patients as falls cause many of both non-fatal and fatal injuries among seniors 65 and up. When we assess a patient’s fall risk too often, we find they’re hesitant to talk about falling and don’t want to admit they are at that stage. Fortunately, there is much you can do to reduce the chances of falling. However, the first step is not to allow fear (and pride!) to stop you from taking steps to protect yourself. Below are some suggestions:

Discuss risks and fears—it’s time to get past the idea that talking about falls is taboo. It’s normal as we age, parts of our body—like our feet and ankles—begin to show signs of wear and tear and may not function as well as they did when we were in our 20’s. Fear of losing your independence by not sharing your concerns about falling will likely have the opposite result and land you in a dependent state from a fall injury. Our podiatrist, Dr. Howard Goldsmith and Dr. Rosanna Troia can conduct a fall risk assessment and help pinpoint problem areas and work with you to correct them.

Use a cane or walker—get past the idea using a cane or walker “makes you look old.” See it instead as a tool that helps you continue to be active, socialize and enjoy doing what you love. The foot doctor may prescribe other accommodate equipment like a knee brace or custom orthotics to improve balance.

Ask for assistance—it’s smart, not weak, to ask for help if you need it. You’ll find family members and friends are more than happy to help fall-proof your home with extra lighting, grab bars, additional handrails, and other safety features. You can get your cabinets rearranged so the items you use most often are within easy reach. If someone extends an arm on an icy day—take it!

Be proactive in preventing falls—there are many small acts of self-care that can ultimately decrease your fall risk in a big way. Getting your eyes examined every year, for example, discarding worn-out shoes, taking an exercise class designed to increase balance, and getting foot pain treated promptly are all steps that will help you stay upright.

To get foot discomfort evaluated or learn more about preventing falls, contact our Upper West Side office at 212-877-1002 for an appointment.