Don’t Delay Seeking Treatment for an Ankle Sprain

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At Goldsmith Podiatry, we know none of our Manhattan patients look forward to going to the doctor, especially now with all the additional protocols necessary for COVID protection. If you have suffered an ankle-twisting injury, however, putting off seeking treatment can lead to more severe problems.

Prevent problems by addressing ankle sprain injury quickly

As many as 80% of untreated ankle sprains result in prolonged symptoms and additional ankle problems in the future such as repeated sprains, chronic pain, ankle instability, and arthritis. The best way to avoid these and other related podiatric problems are by early evaluation and aggressive treatment.

If you have pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty bearing weight on the injured ankle, it’s important you contact our Upper West Side office as soon as possible by calling: (212) 877-1002. Our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith or Dr. Rosanna Troia will perform a complete examination of the injured ankle and foot utilizing the latest diagnostic technology. An ankle sprain can result in serious damage such as:

  • Torn ligaments

  • Dislocation

  • Broken bones

  • Bruised cartilage

Effective Treatments

The podiatrist will determine the correct course of treatment for your ankle sprain once the severity of the injury is determined. It’s essential you complete the full course of therapy in order to achieve a full recovery. Many patients make the mistake of discontinuing therapy once their ankle stops hurting. This is the most common cause of repetitive ankle sprains and chronic ankle instability and pain.

While you wait for your foot doctor appointment, follow the RICE method of caring for your sprained ankle.

Rest—keep off your injured foot until the podiatrist can examine it.

Ice—apply ice immediately after the sprain. Keep ice on it for 15-20 minutes at a time.

Compression—wrap the sprained ankle firmly, but not too tightly, with an elastic bandage.

Elevate—try to keep the injured ankle propped up on pillows at an angle that raises it above the level of your heart.

If you suffer a foot or ankle injury, please contact us as soon as possible, 212-877-1002.