Busting Myths about Seniors and Falls

Did you know that over 3 million adults aged 65 and over are treated in emergency rooms yearly for injuries caused by a fall? Falls are the number one cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among seniors. September is Fall Prevention Month and is a great opportunity to bring this problem to the forefront and one we at Goldsmith Podiatry want to share with our Manhattan patients.

Unfortunately, many seniors don’t share their fears about falling or having taken a spill (only 50% of falls are reported to doctors). Many seniors may be making decisions based on faulty ideas about falls.

Below are some common myths about falls and how to prevent them:

Myth: Falls are to be expected when you get older.

Truth: Not true! Falls are not a normal part of aging. There is much that can be done to decrease your chances of falling. Taking an exercise class designed to improve balance, checking your medications periodically to ensure no drug interactions will cause dizziness, and seeing your podiatrist regularly are just three.

Myth: If you fall once, your chances of falling again are slim.

Truth: Falling once doubles your chances of falling again. One reason is that the underlying cause of a fall is not found and fixed.

Myth: If I stay home, I will be less likely to fall.

Truth: Actually, 6 out of every 10 falls occur at home. A home may contain many hazards that increase fall risk but may not be noticed, especially if a person has lived in the same house for a long time. Ways to improve safety at home include adding a second handrail to staircases, increasing the lighting in hallways and on stairs, removing tripping hazards such as throw rugs, magazine racks, and electrical cords in walkways, and adding grab bars and no-slip strips in tubs and showers.

Myth: If I tell my family I’m worried about falling, they will think I need to move into a nursing home.

Truth: Not speaking up about fall fears is more likely to result in a fall that may cause a broken hip, brain injury, or other issues that necessitate care in a facility.

Myth: Falls happen mostly because something’s wrong with your feet.

Truth: Foot pain can cause falls, and if you or an older loved one are experiencing any podiatric discomfort, you must make an appointment at our Upper West Side office by calling 212-877-1002 to get it checked out by our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia, and Dr. Kristina Ruff. However, it’s equally important to manage other medical issues properly. High blood pressure, diabetes, bladder issues, and poor eyesight can also lead to a fall risk.