Be Thankful for Your Feet

It’s almost Thanksgiving and a time when we at Goldsmith Podiatry know that our Manhattan patients are counting their blessings. When you make your list of all you are thankful for, we hope your feet will make the list! It’s easy to take these hard-working structures for granted.

Here are some amazing facts about your feet:

·         During an average day of walking, the force exerted on your feet can equal several hundred tons—the equivalent of a fully-loaded cement truck. (And that’s on non-holidays when you’re not doing the cooking and cleanup!)

·         Most people will walk approximately 115,000 miles in their lifetime. That’s like circling the earth more than four times.

·         Your feet contain nearly 25% of all the bones in your body. In addition to 26 bones, each foot has 33 joints, 107 ligaments, and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

·         The sweat glands in your feet can produce about half a pint of perspiration daily.

·         Ticklish feet? There are more sensory nerve endings per square centimeter on your feet than on any other body part.

·         Your feet often act as an early warning system for the rest of your body. Many conditions, including diabetes, circulatory problems, arthritis, and nerve disorders, may show initial symptoms in your feet.


All these incredible feats of your feet are good reasons to take care of them. It’s easy—especially during the holidays--to put off getting foot and ankle pain and other uncomfortable symptoms evaluated. If you are experiencing any problems with your feet, make an appointment at our Upper West Side office by calling: 212-877-1002 promptly. Our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith, Dr. Rosanna Troia, and Dr. Kristina Ruff, will diagnose your podiatric problem and prescribe the correct treatment. The vast majority of foot problems are best and most successfully treated in their earliest stages. Take good care of your feet, and they’ll take you where you want to go for many years.

We wish all our patients’ healthy feet and many other blessings during this Thanksgiving holiday!