Pack List for Your Feet on Summer Vacation


When you’re packing for your summer vacation, we at Goldsmith Podiatry know foot care items may not be on the top of your list. However, a few podiatric essentials can make the difference between a great getaway where you get to see and do all you plan versus getting sidelined with a foot problem that limits your vacation fun. Below is a checklist of items to add to your suitcase:

  • Suitable shoes. By suitable, we’re not referring to fashionable footwear that matches your wardrobe, but rather shoes that will help your feet stay pain-free on your trip. Bring a comfortable pair for walking, shopping, and sightseeing. If you’re planning an active vacation that includes hiking, biking, tennis, or another sport, bring your athletic shoes. Flip flops or shower shoes are necessary for pools, beaches, and hotel gyms. Be sure to bring your custom orthotic if our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith and Dr. Rosanna Troia have prescribed one.

  • Absorbent socks. Although the summer vibe is more about open shoe styles, you should wear socks if you wear sneakers or other closed shoes. In warmer weather, feet sweat, and that increases friction and your risk for developing blisters. Socks also absorb perspiration which aids in preventing fungal infections. Be sure to change your socks if you notice that your feet feel damp.

  • Foot care basics. Nail clippers and an emery board can take care of a rough nail before it catches on a towel and rips. Foot or talcum powder will help keep feet dry and comfortable. A small tube of moisturizer will soothe your feet after a day of sun and fun.

  • Mini first aid kit. Pack moleskin to put on sore spots, so they don’t become painful blisters. Some bandages and antibacterial ointment will take care of any minor cuts or scrapes.

  • Sunscreen. Remember, it’s essential to apply sunscreen to your feet too. Open sandals expose the skin on your feet when you’re dining outside or shopping as well as when you go to the beach or pool. Bring a water-resistant type that protects against UVA and UVB rays and has a minimum SPF of 30.

We hope you enjoy a fun and relaxing vacation this summer. If you bring back any unwanted souvenirs however, such as foot or ankle pain, a rash, or any other concerning symptoms, contact our Manhattan office by calling 212-877-1002 for an appointment when you return.