Shoes Make the Woman


In March, we celebrate International Woman’s Day and Women’s History Month. At Goldsmith Podiatry, we want to take this opportunity to share some information with our Manhattan women about their footwear choices. However, the right shoes can provide a fashionable finish to an outfit.  Our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith and Dr. Rosanna Troia are more concerned with the impact that footwear has on the health of your feet. Below is a guide for women who don’t have time to be slowed down by foot or ankle pain.

Get a Good Fit

Here’s a statistic that may surprise you: estimates are 9 out of 10 women are wearing shoes that are too small for their feet. It’s not unusual for your foot size to increase during pregnancy or as you age. You also can’t assume that because you’re one size in one brand of shoes that you’ll be the same size in other brands. It’s a good idea to get your feet professionally measured at least once a year. Your feet will most likely measure their largest at the end of the day. If you shop then, you’ll be sure to purchase shoes that will feel comfortable all day long.

Heeling Qualities

We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating—high, spiky heels are harmful to your feet. They increase the risk of ankle sprains, and also, by forcing your foot forward and squeezing toes together, they encourage toe deformities such as bunions and hammertoes. Fortunately, many fashion-forward designers that care about podiatric health have designed styles with more stable, mid-height heels. Other good features to look for in a shoe included a padded insole, good arch support, and a toe box with some wiggle room.

The Right Shoe for the Job

Just as each team member has a specific role to play, you also need to have the appropriate shoes in your closet to suit all your activities. The design of today's fitness shoes fits the movements required by specific sports. Don't try to get away with sneakers for hiking or flip-flops for beach volleyball, or you may end up with a foot or ankle injury.

Behind every successful woman is a pair of well-made, high-quality shoes that allow her to reach her goals in comfort. If you have a chronic foot condition that makes finding footwear difficult or you have questions about the best shoes for your feet, contact our Upper West Side office by calling (212) 877-1002 and talk to our podiatrists.