Give Your Feet a Holiday Gift


Have you made your holiday shopping list and checked it twice? At Goldsmith Podiatry, we’d like to suggest our Manhattan patients put a little something on there for their feet. After all, who else is working as hard to help you accomplish everything you need to do this holiday season?

Foot items to include on your wish list

Anti-Fatigue Mat—Are your feet tired from all the standing in the kitchen making cookies and holiday favorites for your family? Or do you have to stand in one place for long periods for work? If so, an anti-fatigue mat is a great present that will soothe your feet. These mats are made of high-density foam and relieve pressure on feet, ankles, and knees, creating a more comfortable experience standing on your feet.

Foot and Calf Massager— Nothing feels so good at the end of a long day of shopping as a soothing foot and lower leg massage. Most of us don’t have a personal masseuse waiting for us at home, but, thankfully, a wide range of massage products are available for the feet. Look for a model with heat for extra comfort.

Home Spa Kit—Combine a massage with a soothing soak and pedicure foot bath. After trimming nails (straight across and not too short), your feet can enjoy a relaxing soak with a serene scent added to the water. Use a pumice stone to remove dead skin from heels and soles. Afterward, feet are soft and supple, making it easy to push back cuticles gently. Finish off with a coat of festive polish on your toenails.

Podiatric Checkup—If it’s been a while since you’ve been to our Upper West Side NYC office, consider making an appointment for after the holidays by calling (212) 877-1002. Our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith and Dr. Rosanna Troia, will give you a complete podiatric examination and help you with any foot or ankle discomfort you are experiencing. A foot doctor can also help assess your risk for several common conditions and advise you on ways to be proactive in preventing them and protecting the health of your feet.