6 Ways to Prevent Athlete’s Foot
In the fall, we at Goldsmith Podiatry often see an increase in the number of cases of athlete’s foot. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, many patients begin to move their fitness routines indoors. Gyms, community pools, fitness studios, and public showers are all prime breeding grounds for the fungi that are the cause of athlete’s foot. Fungi love warm, moist places and the infection is spread by direct contact. The second reason for an increase in this condition is the change to closed toe shoes and warmer socks which also create the right conditions for an infection.
Recognizing the Signs
Athlete’s foot usually starts between the toes. It causes severe itching and burning. The skin will be red and will appear dry and flaky. As the condition progresses, it may spread to the soles of the feet and even the toenails. Blisters may form which lead to cracking and peeling too. It’s important that you make an appointment with one of our podiatrists, Dr. Howard Goldsmith or Dr. Rosanna Troia. The symptoms of athlete’s foot can also be similar to other skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis and it is essential for the foot doctor to correctly diagnose your condition in order to prescribe the proper treatment.
Avoiding Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s foot is highly contagious. Once you have it, all those who live in your household will be at risk. Below are 6 precautions you can take that will help prevent athlete’s foot:
Don’t share towels, socks, shoes, nail files or any other items that touch someone else’s foot.
Always wear flip-flops or shower shoes when walking in public places that other people walk barefoot in.
Wash your feet every day with warm water and soap. Afterwards, dry them completely, being extra diligent about the spaces between your toes.
Don’t allow your feet to stay damp. As soon as you notice that they are sweaty, change your socks.
Apply foot talcum powder each morning before putting on socks and shoes to help reduce moisture.
Choose socks that are made of synthetic materials that wick sweat away from the skin.
If you suspect you have a case of athlete’s foot, contact our New York City office today by calling: (212) 877-1002.