Posts tagged bunions
5 Ways to Celebrate International Podiatry Day

Each year, on October 8th, we recognize International Podiatry Day. Goldsmith Podiatry is joining podiatrists around the world to improve foot health care. We educate our Manhattan patients on caring for their feet and ankles better and preventing podiatric problems.

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Detecting Early Signs of a Bunions

With changes from summer to autumn footwear, at Goldsmith Podiatry we know that our Manhattan patients may notice that their feet feel a little “cramped” in the more confining styles of the season. If you notice discomfort at the base of your big toe, however, it may be the first stages of a bunion developing.

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Peripheral Arterial Disease and Foot Health

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is a condition that occurs when plaque (fatty deposits) accumulate on the walls of the arteries, causing them to narrow and harden. This impedes blood flow. PAD happens most often in the legs, and that’s why it poses a threat to your feet.

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Show Your Feet Some Love

In August, we celebrate National “I Love My Feet” Day. At Goldsmith Podiatry, it’s an excellent opportunity for us to highlight some ways our Manhattan patients can take better care of their feet. The average person will walk 115,000 miles in their lifetime—that’s the equivalent of four times around the earth! In addition to carrying your entire body weight, your feet mirror your general health.

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